3 min readMay 15, 2021

Firstly, the Biosphere platform caters to independent-providers and correlated operations, by enhancing their capacities for:

- Direct Sales

- DLT Notary & Collaborations

- Service & Venue Ticketing and Bookings

- Intellectual Property and DLT Data Registration, Management and Sales

- Providers’ Full Client Lifecycle Management

Global independent-provider markets form a complex, fractured and dispersed ecosystem. TOF® caters for this whole by using a single platform, powered by bespoke encrypted micro-service architectures. This Biosphere platform harnesses bespoke DLT, AI and ML solutions.

The Biosphere platform solves the three main problems: i) difficulty in defining and controlling legally binding agreements i.e., contractual terms and enforcement thereof as define direct exchange and, ii) putting independent-providers in control of real-world, DLT secured diverse service and asset monetization and, iii) direct access to market ecosystems. Such operational efficiency translates into increased, directly held earnings for users.

Using Real-World Smart Contracts® (RWSC®), user-structured engagements are privately generated while users retain associated returns. For the first time, this once complex ecosystem can become tangibly and practically accessible to everyone. TOF® calls the newly achieved resulting user-capacity from Biosphere participation, micro-capitalism.

Throughout, TOF® acts purely as a data-custodian and digital service provider, never as an engagement participant. The Biosphere is made possible by fractional segmentation and service-function distillation, through digital privatization and independent-role-based simplification in actionable transaction achievement. This is a privacy centric, user-led control of operational solutions with integrated, DLT enhanced, legal and fintech toolkits. In short, Biosphere users are in control, their transactions are privately immutable and TOF® services form the users’ digital toolkit.

The Biosphere is a unique, privacy centric, hybrid-blockchain, commission saving, independent-provider digital platform and full-lifecycle management delivery solution.

The TOF® Biosphere platform brings together those who want to improve their choice selections, IP control and direct payment-exchange efficiency with a global pool of interested buyers. The Biosphere platform permits all such participants to then set their own privately agreed terms and conditions of direct exchange. For the first time, this method makes a particularly complex ecosystem simple and broadly accessible. This is achieved by implementing DLT enhanced efficiency together with personal privacy across independent-provider markets.

Thanks to TOF®, any independent-provider that wishes to implement and control cutting-edge, direct-engagement and management solutions, be they pertaining to highly personalized services across to commercial sales, is able to negotiate and then enforce real-world terms of exchange directly with their consumers or, as they are known in-Biosphere, their collaborators.

Through private, cross-network DLT digitization of real-world asset value ascriptions, today it is possible to control liquidity and extend access even into capital investment. To optimize the cycle of financing and access, TOF® segments explicit contractual solutions for their legal, private and direct control by participants’ (owners). The Biosphere platform represents a private, DLT tracked contractual mechanism between varied independent-providers and most any consumer or sets of consumers.

The model is fundamentally the same as contract-based engagement which, through legally binding and regionally specific participant set, user-generated and user-owned documentation, manages to distill real-world and privately controlled monetization of such content including derived outcomes by using novel blockchain based, encryption and decentralized ledger exchange solutions.

This process results in participants’ being able to retain positive economic returns from platform involvement. There is zero speculative variation or similar financial risks associated with their Biosphere exchange process, this is a noteworthy market differentiator carrying with it, opportunities for introduction of varied corollary financial-technology instruments.

This Biosphere contractual form now makes it possible for consumers to channel finances into both DTC and commercial projects. Such engagements are in direct legal accordance with relevant providers’ own, zero-commission and encumbrance free operational terms, which are formulated in whole under encrypted, service agnostic conditions of trusted tangible exchange. The Biosphere allows the savings and enhanced private control derived from new technologies to be apportioned by and between participants. Fractional and hyper-niche control (one-participants’ own monetized conditions), together with the improved performance that users can now benefit from is what TOF® terms as ‘engagement in micro-capitalism’.

